Ah, I finally found a few moments to write here. It's Friday night, I'm at home, Christopher is at youth group, it's raining, Elleanora is soundly asleep, and Jameson is kicking away. I'm also sucking on a cough drop because I am so, so thirsty but need to stop drinking at 7:30pm these days. This way, I'm only up twice in the night (instead of 5-6 times) to use the bathroom. Some nights I am up a lot due to other discomforts, and the following day is hard to get through.. especially since I've been working quite a bit. Eating isn't too enjoyable. As soon as I swallow a few bites and take a sip of water, I feel like my organs are literally being smushed together, causing a whole lot of discomfort. But, hey, before I know it, I will be holding and kissing my son. Cannot even wait.
Above, are a few pictures of our long awaited spring. Elleanora felt grass under her feet for the very first time, we celebrated our 2nd year anniversary, Nana Kate came for a visit, we offically became debt free... along with plenty of beautiful and not so beautiful days in between.
I have been trying to choose joy no matter what. That grumpy, snappy behavior can so easily creep in when I'm having a dead to the world kind of day. But, in those tough moments, I'm learning that God's grace can keep me gracious. I can be honest about how I feel minus the bad attitude. Always learning with each new situation that arises.
Well, my eyes are shutting, so this post ends here.
Cheerio, loves!
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