Thursday, April 10, 2014

letter to Jameson

Jameson Clive, 

You've had life for about 26 weeks now... kicking quite vigorously, but not causing me too much discomfort. You made me dreadfully sick for about 12 weeks (much like your sister), but I am grateful that it only lasted that long. These days, I need at least 9-10 hours of sleep each night in order to function. I have a hard time breathing through my nose at night, but there are worse things. You've been enjoying a lot of green smoothies, almond-flour oatmeal cookies and chicken salad recently. I hope you enjoy food as much as Elleanora does... I often wonder what you will have in common, and how you will be different from one another. Will you be just as or more strong-willed and determined? Or will you be a little more relaxed? Maybe you will look more Italian than Irish or vice versa.. I just can't wait to meet you. 

We don't have to do too much to prepare for your arrival, considering the fact that your sister is only 16 months older than you. People have been so kind with lending us some clothes and gadgets for you. You're already so loved.
The first picture (above) is the first thing I ever purchased for you, and the sweater was originally Elleanora's from your Auntie Ashley and Uncle DT. They were smart in giving her something that you could wear too (even though no one knew you were alive yet when we opened it!)

In other news, your daddy is going to pick up a Volkswagen minivan this Saturday for all of us (!!!); I didn't think our family would grow to four this soon, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't wait for you to meet your big sister; she might try to beat you up for awhile, but I have a feeling you'll be the best of friends. My heart and hands will be very full with both of you. I love you, sweet boy, and I pray for you often.

Your Mama

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