Wednesday, March 19, 2014

12 months.

Ok, it's true. I blinked, and an entire year has passed. 

Let's do a quick milestone overview, shall we?

At 2 1/2 months, she cracked a smile, and we heard the sweetest giggle for the first time.

At 3 1/2 months, she was rolling over and doing cartwheels around the room. Also, she was holding her bottle (when I supplemented) and started sleeping 11 hours through the night (!!!). 

At four months, the swap from the bassinet to the crib happened. 

At 5 1/2 months, she started the army crawl

At 6 months, she started eating solids/sitting in her highchair (get the OXO highchair, people)

At 7-8 months, the crawling stage began

At 9 months, waving and blowing kisses

At 10 months, "da-da" was uttered 

At 11 months (late)... walking! saying "ma-ma", "hott", "bye-bye", "baby", "up", "papa", "nonna", "ball", "thank you" (sorry, this is merely for me to remember) 

At 12 months, she held her first almond butter and jelly sandwich and ate it like a big kid; I thought it was a pretty big deal. 

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