Monday, July 7, 2014

my little bestie.

Oh Elleanora,

My belly is growing, and you're becoming more active and more…feisty. We're just calling it the premature terrible 2's. It's been quite a challenge at times. Your daddy and I have really needed to be on top of it lately. I love your determined, strong-willed spirit, I do. It just needs to be channeled in the right direction :) You're as sweet as they come too, by the way.

These days you have been loving every minute of running around outside, going into the pool or ocean, playing with the big kids, watching Winnie the Pooh and eating blueberries. You're talking non-stop and your presence is known wherever you go. You make sure of that.

All I know is that the good Lord knew you needed a little brother thrown into the mix sooner than later. I'm certain it will be a little tough for us all to adjust to a brand new life, and I'm certain I'll have some moments when I fall apart. I'm human… and the only reason I don't fall apart more often than not is because I have the sweet grace of Jesus surrounding me. My confidence and trust is in Him. I want you and your brother to remember one thing about me. Allow me to preface: I came across a quote this morning right after I woke up; it hit me so hard.

"If you don't fight for joy, it's your children who lose. What do I want my children to remember; my joy in clean floors, made beds and ironed shirts or my joy of the Lord? You will be most remembered by what brought you most joy." -Ann Voskamp

I want you to remember me as a mother who constantly set her heart's affections on things above, not things on earth… a mother whose hope was set on the eternal, not on worldly nonsense. I promise I will try my best to do this, which will ultimately affect how I treat your daddy, you, Jameson and any other babes that might come along. That is my heart.

I love you so much,

Your Mommy (you started calling me that recently)